Create and publish tours and receive guaranteed income!
Create a tour and publish it on Baffi marketplace – it is as simple as that!
What do you get?
Publish a tour and receive guaranteed bonus revenue equal to 5 sales. For example, if your tour is priced at 20 euros, you will receive 100 euros. If your tour isn’t sold at least 5 times during the first month, Baffi will pay you the remaining amount.
Promotion requirements:
- You are a professional or official guide and are over 18 years of age;
- This is your first tour to be published on Baffi;
- Maximum 2 tours per guide;
- the tour can be in any language and any category currently offered on Baffi;
- has at least 3 introductory photos and an introductory* video no longer than 90 seconds;
- 7 POIs (points of interest), each POI consisting of the following: at least 5 photos related to the POI, an audio of 2 minutes in length minimum or a video recording of at least 1 minute in length;
- The price of the tour is not higher than 20 euros or equivalent;
- The tour cannot be taken offline for at least 12 months from its publication date
- Tour tour cannot be modified to decrease its value as in removing the POIs, media or changing any other information without prior approval of Baffi Lab SRL;
- This promo offer is for professional guides only
- You agree to post links or info about your tour on your social accounts by sharing a link to it and agree that Baffi Lab SRL can advertise your tour on its own social media channels;
- The tour material does not contain hate speech, harassment, fight words, obscenity, known defamation and must be in conformance with Baffi Terms of Service
This offer is open to the newly signed up guides only and is subject to approval of Baffi Lab SRL.
If you are interested, please fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you asap!
* Introductory video must describe your professional background as a guide, the region you are introducing, etc.
** Mandatory fields